tlrc manual


tlrc - official tldr client written in Rust


tldr [options] [page]


-u, --update

Update the cache of tldr pages. This will first download the sha256sums of all archives and compare them to the old sums to determine which languages need updating. If you want to force a redownload, run tldr --clean-cache beforehand.

-l, --list

List all pages in the current platform.

-a, --list-all

List all pages.


List available platforms.


List available languages. Use --info for a language list with more information.

-i, --info

Show cache information (path, age, installed languages and the number of pages).

-r, --render <FILE>

Render the specified markdown file.


Clean the cache directory (i.e. remove pages and old sha256sums). Useful to force a redownload when all pages are up to date.


Print the default config to standard output.


Print the default config path and create the config directory if it does not exist.

-p, --platform <PLATFORM>

Specify the platform to use (linux, osx, windows, etc.).

Default: the operating system you are currently running

-L, --language <LANGUAGE_CODE>

Specify the language to show pages in. Can be used multiple times. Overrides all other language detection methods. tlrc will not fall back to English when this option is used, and will instead show an error. Note that this option does not affect languages downloaded on --update. If you want to use languages not defined in environment variables, use the cache.languages option in the config file.

Default: taken from the config or the LANG and LANGUAGE environment variables. See for a detailed description of how tlrc determines the language.


In option placeholders, display short options wherever possible.
Example: "{{[-s|--long]}}" will be displayed as "-s" when using this option. Equivalent of setting output.option_style="short" in the config.

When used with --long-options, the above placeholder will be displayed as "[-s|--long]". Using both options is equivalent to setting output.option_style="both" in the config.


In option placeholders, display long options wherever possible.
Example: "{{[-s|--long]}}" will be displayed as "--long" when using this option. Equivalent of setting output.option_style="long" in the config.

This is the default.

-o, --offline

Do not update the cache, even if it is stale and automatic updates are on. Similar to setting cache.auto_update=false in the config, except using this will show an error if the cache is empty.

-c, --compact

Strip empty lines from output. Equivalent of setting output.compact=true in the config.


Do not strip empty lines from output. Equivalent of setting output.compact=false in the config. This always overrides --compact.

-R, --raw

Print pages in raw markdown. Equivalent of setting output.raw_markdown=true in the config.


Render pages instead of printing raw file contents. Equivalent of setting output.raw_markdown=false in the config. This always overrides --raw.

-q, --quiet

Suppress status messages and warnings. In other words, this makes tlrc print only pages and errors.

--color <WHEN>

Specify when to enable color.
Can be one of the following: 'always', 'never', 'auto'.
always forces colors on; never forces colors off; and auto only automatically enables colors when outputting onto a tty and the NO_COLOR environment variable is not set or is an empty string.

Default: auto

--config <FILE>

Specify an alternative path to the config file.

Default: platform-dependent (use --config-path to see the default path for your system)

-v, --version

Print version information.

-h, --help

Print a help message.


To generate a default config file, run:

tldr --gen-config > "$(tldr --config-path)"

See for an example config file with explanations.

The default config path depends on your operating system:
Linux and BSD: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tlrc/config.toml or ~/.config/tlrc/config.toml if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is unset
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/tlrc/config.toml
Windows: %ROAMINGAPPDATA%\tlrc\config.toml

No matter the OS, you can set the $TLRC_CONFIG enviroment variable or use --config to override the default path.


See the tldr page for tar:

tldr tar

See the tldr page for diskpart, from platform windows:

tldr --platform windows diskpart





I/O and various other errors


Invalid command-line arguments


TOML (config file) parse error


Errors related to cache updates (e.g. a failed HTTP GET request)


Tldr syntax error (e.g. a non-empty line that does not start with '# ', '> ', '- ' or '`')


tldr client specification

tlrc repository (report issues with the client here)

tldr-pages repository (report issues with the pages here)

An online version of this man page is available here: